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with the principle of developing together with Islam. ding to their portfolios to spur local and regional devel-
This is so for its mision statement which still empha- opment.
size to develop people and state of Kelantan towards
blessing, prosperity and welfare which founded on Ustaz Dato’ Bentara Kanan very concerned on integrity
principle of “Taqwa is the pillar for Development.” issues involving executive councillors and state of-
ficers. With respect to that, executive councillors have
Ustaz Dato’ Bentara Kanan has taken empowerment come to an agreement to declare their assets in order
measures through formation of State Executive to implement the leadership integity plan. This is a pos-
Councillor line up that is more sturdy with the consul- itive step to improve a culture of administration that
tation concept through cooperation of Islamic Scholars appreciate and practise the principles of ubudiyah,
and professional. This is a step forward to strengthen mas’uliyah and itqan in daily affairs, accountability and
the mision of Ulama Leadership in governance of state professionalism which are the essences of “Merakyat
government and party. Membangun Bersama Islam” administration.
The Chief Minister has reshuffled the portfolio of State As the Chief Minister, Ustaz Dato’ Bentara Kanan
Executive Councillor and Deputy Executive Councillor, always remind that, the effort to develop Serambi
taking into acount their experiences and area of exper- Mekah (Kelantan) is an integrated effort; which are to
tise according to current needs. This is done to in- gain worldly interest and in the hereafter, thus the out-
crease the confidence of people, civil servants and comes cannot be assessed according to worldly interest
public toward the state leadership capability during his only. If assess together, the result that achieved so far
tenure. Efforts are also taken to bridge the gap be- definitely can be proud of. Thus, multiple successes
tween Kelantan and other state governments and have been achieved by state government administra-
Kelantanese who are working and residing outside of tion through the agenda of people development, shap-
the state. Hence, the portfolio of External Relations is ing high calibre younger generations, skillful woman
formed to enable effective dissemination of state gov- education and collaboration with non government or-
ernment information through Kelantan activity centres ganisation (NGO) under the patron of state govern-
nationwide. ment.
The 3K concept is further stregthened with various It is proven that the leadership of Ustaz Dato’ Bentara
new ideas and initiatives. Ustaz Dato’ Bentara Kanan Kanan has inherited the legacy of the previous leader-
has announced the formation of State Economic ship seamlessly to continue the state development in
Advisory Council (MPEN) to gather expertise and new accordance to Islamic teachings. Therefore it is the
ideas to spur state economic development to face cur- responsibility of the people of Kelantan to remain
rent challenge. This new approach will be friendlier steadfast in providing undying support and loyalty to
and more productive. Hence, the new leadership current state leadership under Ustaz Dato’ Bentara
lineup are now given the roles and responsibility of Kanan Haji Ahmad bin Yakob.
chairing Government Linked Companies (GLC) accor-